
News from Lake Boobbegone: A Breast Cancer Memoir from the Heart by Carolyn Redman

News from Lake Boobbegone
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News from Lake Boobbegone: A Breast Cancer Memoir from the Heart by Carolyn Redman
Product Details

News from Lake Boobbegone by Carolyn Redman
A Breast Cancer Memoir from the Heart

A 2021 Award Winner in BookAuthority's 100 Best Breast Cancer Books of All Time list!

Released April 12, 2017 from Written Dreams Publishing
Category/Genre: Memoir/Women's Health Issues
Paperback ISBN: 978-0998762364 – $13.99
Ebook – $3.99
70 Pages

Question: Does the world really need another breast cancer memoir? Answer: Probably not.

But writing is the only way Carolyn Redman knew how to process a heartbreaking breast cancer diagnosis and the year-long treatments that ensued. These honest, heartfelt, and sometimes humorous e-mails and essays, written solely to keep family and friends informed of her medical condition morphed into the definitive exercise in self-compassion and healing. In the end, no one was more surprised or more grateful than she was to find purpose and meaning masquerading as cancer.

“Carolyn Redman writes hard, clear and lovingly about her experience with breast cancer. Her insight, wisdom and humor can guide each of us on this path whether we be supporting a woman with breast cancer or experiencing it ourselves. Don’t miss this read, and then pass it forward gratefully.” — Kathryn Klein Havens, MD, Director of Women’s Health, Zablocki VA Medical Center and former Board member of ABCD (After Breast Cancer Diagnosis)

“A heart-felt, touching account of the author's journey through breast cancer. Her dry sense of humor and eloquent turn of phrase are highly engaging. Ms. Redman has created a very accessible story likely to provide comfort and support to those following in her footsteps.” — Bonnie Nussbaum, Holistic Coach and Psychologist

“As a fellow breast cancer survivor, I was often left wanting as I read others “memoirs” in search of the right approach to get me through treatment. Reading Carolyn Redman’s account was not only a wonderfully easy read, but, for me, hit on the right combination of emotions (anger, fear, hope and, of course gratitude) while providing strategies for not just surviving but growing through the process. Its humanity and vulnerability make it easy to reflect on your own challenges and know that you can make it!” — Karen Marcdante, Physician and fellow inhabitant of Lake Boobbegone

“Redman's words are both honest and touching, and this is indeed sacred ground we have been invited to walk on in News from Lake Boobbegone. The personal struggles and triumphs shared make opening this book nothing short of an honor.” — Aaron Jonasen, MS, Professional Counselor, Stillwaters Cancer Support Center

“As a hairstylist for 40 years counseling women through their fears of losing their personal beauty with the absence of their hair and eyebrows, I would recommend News from Lake Boobbegone to ease their worries...This book is critically helpful for women navigating the complicated world of breast cancer procedures. It is written in an intimate style with humor, unrelenting honesty and courage.” — Sharon Gamm, Hairstylist and volunteer, American Cancer Society—Look Good Feel Better program

“Carolyn Redman’s wit, candor and clever analogies ease your walk with her through the dreaded Land of Cancer. Her insights into healing mind and spirit as well as body can inspire those who find themselves in this strange place where suddenly everything is as it never was. I will be adding News from Lake Boobbegone to the list of recommended readings for those I work with who are making this journey into the Land of Cancer.” — Rose Koremenos, RN, BSN, Holistic Practitioner

“As a cancer survivor myself, I found myself completely immersed in this very poignant memoir from beginning to end. Ms. Redman shared her story so honestly and with such vulnerability; by the end I felt transported into her personal “Oz”. I would recommend News from Lake Boobbegone to anyone looking to gain insight into the cancer ‘trip’.” — Maria Voermans, Wellness Coordinator, Small Stones Wellness Center

Carolyn Redman has been writing poetry and short stories since junior high school, where she was erroneously labeled by her guidance counselor as having the wrong kind of imagination. She persevered, earning a BA (cum laude) from Mount Mary University in English / Professional Writing, while working full time as an editorial assistant at an academic medical institution. She is a Wisconsin state licensed, board certified massage therapist who believes strongly in integrative medicine and the mind body connection. She was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where she lives with her artist husband Tom and their cat, Sophie. This is her first published work.